Sunday, November 17, 2013

Where's the library?

While chatting with a resident of the county about the new computerized GED, adult literacy programs, and computer literacy programs, it occurred to me that the library would be an awesome location for adult education programs. In many places the public library offers such programs for little to no charge for county residents. It then occurred to me that I had never set foot in the public library here in the county, so I asked where it's located.

Where indeed. It turns out that this county institution is closely tied to another upstanding county institution. The library is none other than the the former jailhouse. To sweeten the deal, it still has a hangman's noose and prison cells to boot.

Moderation and economy. Thrift and innovation.

Maybe the library/jailhouse combo is a thing like KFC/Taco Bell or Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin-Robbins.

The struggle is real.


  1. Ohh I guess they didn't want to waste money on building a new facility.....good thing now inmates were still inside tho. That would really be messed up

    1. Well I guess there's nothing like reading behind bars...

  2. It's almost like a twisted visual rhetoric subliminally suggesting that education and knowledge are not the way to go....
