Friday, February 21, 2014

Come prepared...

Since it is now February, every student should know that he or she must come to my class prepared with an appropriate writing utensil. Unfortunately, it's surprising to see how many students "forget" to bring something to write with, so I came up with a game plan to teach my forgetful students a lesson.

Since I am overflowing with generosity, I offer "charity supplies" to students who forget to bring a pen or pencil to class.

This is what you get when you ask the teacher for a pencil

How many kids will come to my class unprepared again after being forced to write with a nub or a crayon?

Ingenuity at its finest....


  1. Hahahahahahaha!! "Charity supplies"! I love it! Excellent idea.

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  3. Lol u go.....did it end up working??? Are more students prepared for your class??? Haha

  4. Yes indeed. Nobody wants to write with a nub.
