Saturday, December 20, 2014

Time management (inside and outside the classroom)

Since I have a two hour layover at the airport I figured I would put my free time to good use rather than wasting my life sitting at my departure gate.

What am I doing? Grading exams (and planning for the next two weeks).

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What's conjugation?

We learned how to modify verbs in Spanish depending on who we are talking about. 

If you still don't know how to conjugate present tense verbs that end in -ar after multiple modes of presentation, you are beyond the teacher's reach. 

1st try: visual + auditory
Check out the awesome video

2nd try: traditional (some people like the no frills approach)

3rd try: kinesthetic (you made a foldable on neon green paper and stapled it into your interactive notebook)
I don't remember Spanish being this exciting when I was in high school.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Riding the struggle bus

How do we improve teacher attendance?
I always laugh when I see this question posed in faculty meetings or in education leadership circles. Why? We should ask a different question; why are teachers absent so much?
Excessive teacher absences
Sure the odd teacher has a chronic health condition that requires frequent absences for medical attention, but this does not apply to the rest of us able bodied teachers. 

Why are teachers absent so much i.e. more than 10 days each year (in priority schools)?

1. We need a break from being a teacher, mentor, counselor, parent, psychologist, interventionist, corrections officer, zoo keeper, and/or life coach
2. We need a day of peace and reflection
3. We need a day to catch up on paperwork (for the extremely dedicated few)